CNN Student News: Daily Discussion


Q. How do you think that members of the international community might react to these election results?
This is the first election since the overthrow of the former president Hosni Mubarak. Political opponents were not allowed to come out on politics so many people had been skeptical of politics. Now, after the revolution, many people are looking forward to a new era of their country. The international community would welcome the result of the democratically processed election as well and many people under oppressive regimes are also insipired to seek freedom in the future.

Q. What do you think might be the pros and cons of using the unemployment rate to measure the health of the economy?

Pros: it is used to figure out how the current economy is faring.
Cons: the unemployment rate does not include those who gave up seeking jobs.

Q. What is known about the results of recent parliamentary elections in Egypt?
The result is expected to be in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, the religious group that has been active for the last few months.

Q. Why were these results significant?
Egyptians had have not many options to choose from the ballots for the parliament seats because the governmnet didn't allow any political opponents. It's the first democratic election in decades.

Q. What was said in the report about the latest unemployment figures?
The U.S. unemployment rate has been hovering around 9 percent. That might be good news for some reason. But there have been increasing number of people who gave up looking for jobs.


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