CNN Student News 받아적기 (12.05)


Specifically, a look at U.S unemployment rate. This is something that a lot of people use to measure how the overall economy is doing. On the first Friday of every month, the government announces the current unemployment rate, so that came out this past Friday. 
The U.S has been at around 9 % unemployment for most of this year. In November, that number dropped to 8.6 %. so that's good news right? But experts say it's more like maybe. Yes, the unemployment rate is the lowest it's been in nearly 3 years and yes, part of the reason for that is because more Americans got jobs.
But another reason the rate decreased is because a lot of people stopped looking for jobs. And when you do that, you are not included in the unemployment rate anymore. During the financial crisis, 8.8 million jobs were lost, so far less than a third of those have been recovered.

Next up, a group of people who are all competing for the same job; Republican presidential nominee. You've seen the candidates out on the campaign trail. And now, we are less than a month away from the first contest of the primary season. It's in Iowa. It's on January 3rd. It's actually not a primary. It's a caucuss. That's when groups of people get together and decide whom they want to support. 
The "des moines register", a newspaper, took a poll recently asking which candidate like Republican voters in Iowa would support for the nomination. First place, was  former U.S house speaker Newt Gingerich. Second, U.S. representative, Ron Paul. Third, Former governor, Mitt Romney. Another candidate, businessmen, Maccain, got about 8 percent in this poll. But he announced on Saturday, he's suspending his campaign. So Iowa is first on January 3rd, then it`s New Hampshire on January 10th, and South Carolina on the 21st, as the political calendar heats up.

The water level in part of the Rhine is at a record low. But that's not what our next report today is about. It's about what was found in the river when the water level dropped. 
Bombs, two of them, plus a fog device that were all leftover from World War Two. These things sat under the surface of the river for 65 years, and that might have been old but they were still dangerous. Experts had to come out and defused them. Officials said that has been taken care of, so things are safe now. That means the forty five thousand people who had to evacuate can come back home. The bombs were found in the city of Koblenz. Half of the population had to leave because of concerns of their safety. Volunteers helped evacuate hospitals and senior citizens' centers. One local reporter said, this kind of thing, believe or not, is part of life for some Germans.

'The People in Germany are generally stoic about it. I mean the danger is there. It's been there for ages. And now it's been discovered, the danger is going to be put aside and then they will be able to go to home. It does happen a lot here. The Koblenz bomb this weekend is an exception because it's so big and so many people have had to move. But it's does happen in Germany from time to time. People have to leave for an afternoon or for maybe a morning when a bomb is discovered near their homes.' And then it's generally taken care of usually without any massive danger, although sometimes things do go wrong. But generally it's part of life in Germany, you know, even so many years after the end of the war.

The results are in from the first round of eletions in Egypt. Citizens in that country went to the polls last week to cast their votes for members of parliament. This is Egypt's first election since long-time president Hosni Mubarak was forced out of power. 
That happened during a political revolution earlier this year. The Muslim Brotherhood is a group that was active in that revolution, and the groups political party got the most votes in this round of election. It's got 40 %.  
The Muslim Brotherhood is Egypt's oldest and largest Islamic organization. The strong showing of religious groups was a trend in these elections. Voters cast their ballots for Islamic parties more than they did for secular or non-religious parties.
This was the beginning of an election process that has a lot of steps. The voting for president won't happen until sometime next year.

And you can't cover a lot of ground or water in 80 years. One sea turtle has already packed a lifetime's worth of adventure in a just over a few years. He went for a swim back when he was one and turned up 5,000 miles away. The first transatlantic trip a little bit of work out. But he's making his way back home in style, first class style. Our reporter breaks open the travel journal for this roaming reptile.

They call him Johnny Vasco da Gama at Zoomarine in Portugal, a four year old sea turtle that's already made a lot of travel adventures. 3 years ago, the endangered Kemp`s Ridley turtle lost his way from his natural habitat in the gulf of Mexico, and ended up all the way up in the chilly waters around Netherlands. He nearly died because of the cold. Rescue workers eventually sent him to Portugal where he's been recovering.
This week, He finally got his big lift back home non stop, Lisbon to Miami. TAP airlines gave him special seating in the cabin, not quite first class, but definitely a first for the airline.

"We had to take away from the aircraft, a full row of chairs and then find a way to fix the box to the floor."

Over the nearly 9 hour flight, his temperature had to be kept between 20 and 25 degrees cecious, about 71-77 F.

"We are warming the water just to raise the temperature inside the box, without raising the temperature inside of the cabin"

"My first reaction was to think that this was totally crazy to carry a turtle inside a plane with passengers. But after thinking about it, I figured that it's a noble act for the preservation of the animal species"

Kemp ridley turtles are critically endangered species and the rarest of all sea turtles. So the effort to bring him home is worth it for the caretakers. He looks exhausted, unaware he'll soon return to the sea. For now it's into another tank, this time in Sarasota, Florida.

"When it's deternmined that he's ready to go, We are going to take him down south of here probably, and get him a nice release into a habitat off of southwest Florida, where he can forage and grow."

He's been lost for most of his life. Soon, he will be found in his natural habitat, back in the waters of the gulf of Mexico.

You might not have done as much traveling as him. But you can always use our downloadable maps to track down some of the locations we visit in our show. These resources can help you expand your geographic genius. They are totally free. You can find them everyday on our website. That's CNN Student

And before you go, we are bringing you one schoolyard fight, but no one is going to get hurt except maybe a world record. It's the world's largest Marshmellow fight, or at least, that's what the students and teachers at this middle school hope it is.
The fast, furious, fluffy faceoff happened last Friday day. Everyone spent 15 minutes getting gooey, as they flung 140,000 marshmellows at each other. Certaninly proved one thing; trying to set a world record can be a sticky situation. 
But in winter it's a mashmellow world.


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