CNN Student News 받아적기 (12.06)


Leaders in Europe are trying to prevent another debt crisis with a new money plan. And this is needed, because some European countries are spending much more money than they are taking in. They are running on huge deficits. Because many of them share the same currency, the Euro, if one of these governments goes under it could hurt all of their economies, the U.S economy and others worldwide.
Here are two major players; German chancellor, Angela Merkel, getting out of the car here and French president, Nicolas sarkozy. These two leaders represent the two largest economies in Europe. They believe their new plan will prevent another major debt crisis and stabilize Europe's economies. But it still has to ratified by most members in the European Union and what's unknown is if it will be and if will will work.

Well, Geography is playing a part in the lastet disagreement between the U.S. and Iran. These two countries are not friendly. Iran claims recently it shot down a U.S. drone, an unmanned aircraft used by the military to gather information. Iran says the drone was flying over its airspace. The U.S says its drones don't fly over Iranian airspace. Our reporter explains how else geography factors in and why this is a bad news for U.S intelligence if Iran is telling the truth.

Iranian authorities say they shot down a high classified U.S unmanned spy plane over its territory along its eastern border with Afghanistan. 
Iran says the drone they shot down is an RQ-170. Now that's one of the most secret drones in the U.S. milliary and intelligence arsenal; a stealth drone that can fly largely undetected, gathering intelligence and targeting information. So far, the U.S. using the Nato alliance in Afghanisan to issue a statement is only saying quote

'The UAV to which the Iranians are referring may be a U.S unarmed reconnaissance aircraft that have been flying a mission over western Afghanisatn late last week. The operators of the UAV lost control of the aircraft and had been working to determine its status.' 

That according to the statement. Now U.S. officials tell CNN the flight crew operating the drone did report the loss of flight controls before the drone went down. But they are not saying it was shot down and they are not saying it's an RQ-170. 
The key question now is shot down or not, do the Iranians have their hands on unclassified intelligence technology? 
If the Iranians do, the U.S. knows it's not getting any of that back.

That monarchy is Bhumibol Adulyadej.. He was formally crowned king of Thiland in 1950. That was two years before Queen Elizabeth began her rein in Britain. He is now celebrating his 84th birthday. Thiland is going to be celebrating this all week. It's a chance for many people there to have a break from recovering from the floods and to be a part of events that also includes Father's day, and the pardon of tens of thousands of prisoners.
Like Britain, Thiland has a constitutional monarchy, which means the monarch's powors are limited and the country's paliament has the decision-making power. 
Unlike Britain, Thiland's constitution puts the king in a place of worship and the people aren't allowed to criticize him.

Mail delivery could slow down in the new year. The U.S postal service is losing billions of dollars. Some blame e-mail for that. Others blame bad planning in the organization. Bottom line; it needs money. So the U.S.P.S. is proposing to cut costs by slowing down service. A first class letter currently takes one to three days to deliver. It would take two to five days with more post offices and mail processing places closed.
28,000 postal workers will lose thier jobs by the end of next year.
The service says the plan will save it more than 2billion dollars, but congress would have to approve it.

We've got lights, we've got tinsel, we've got ornaments. We hope we don't have this. That's exactly what a six-year-old recently found in this Christmas tree. Snake wasn't poisonous but it wasn't welcome, either, as you can hear by the screams. So, they got it out of there because it could scare Santa.
The family who sent in this I-report says the trees were aritificial, but the snake wasn't. So it now lives out in the woods. Though we hear the experience scared it out of its skin, the snake managed to hold its tongue through the ordeal, so we never got "hiss" side of the story.


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