CNN Student News: Daily Discussion


Q. Why did some public-sector workers go on strike in the United Kingdom?

The British government plans to cut its spending on public secotors including pension 
systems. Public workers such as police officers, school teachers and transportation workers are vulnerable to the cutbacks. The pension is the money they'll get after retire.
Q. How have these strikes affected services there? 

First, many teachers didn't turn up their classes so that students had no choice but to
go back home. Also, the strike should have an effect on people who took bus, and subway. They had to wait for longer than usual to use the service.

Q. Do you think that striking is an effective form of protest? 

I'm sure it's kind of expression toward the authority's plan. There are many kinds of ways
to make the public voices heard. But if the government decides to do something without reflecting public opinion, people should go out and cry out.

Q.  Why do you think that some storms' names will be reused, while others will be retired?

Some powerful and disasterous storms had already given negative image to people, especially those 
who were affected by them. That's why Hurricane Irene will not be used again.

Q. Why might it be important to make predictions about the frequency and severity of storms?

Prediction for the storms is important. Every year severe storms have had much impact on people 
in America and the other parts of the world. People should be aware of the information.


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