CNN Student News: Daily Discussion


Q.What factors have created tension between Afghanistan, Pakistan and the United States? 

The three countries have been involved in getting rid of the terrorist groups in the region. But in recent months. There have been fightings between millitants and Afgan troops along Afgan-Pakistan borders. Afghanistan is accusing Pakistan of turning a blind eye to the terrorist groups inside the country. In the meanwhile, the U.S has been complained by Pakistan over its millitary raid inside Pakistan region.

Q.What do you think could be done to ease tension between these three nations? 
Afghanistan and Pakistan have to know that the U.S. is what they need the most because without the help of U.S. The two countries do not have enough power to tackle with the terrorist groups that have been a threat to their security. They seem to be overreating to the western country's approach. They should be first reminded of getting rid of their worst enemy.
Q.what are some issues that Congress plans to address before the end of the year? 

Congress has to come up with a plan to reduce the unemployment rate. The law makers should harmonize to make it happen.

Q.What is the purpose of NASA's Mars mission seen in today's program? 

NASA is trying to discover 'life' on other planets. Until now, there have been no signs of life in the univers but on Earth. 
If life does not exist, the project would find at least what is going on Mars.

Q.Why do you think that NASA is focusing on Mars instead of other planets for this research? 

Mars is one of the nearest planet to the Earth. It could be easier to arrive at the planet than at the further planets.
The time to arrive at the other planet in the universe is not as easy as it seems.


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CNN Student News: Daily Discussion  (0) 2011.12.01
CNN Student News 받아적기 (12.01)  (0) 2011.12.01
CNN Student News 받아적기 (11.30)  (0) 2011.11.30
CNN Student News: Daily Discussion  (0) 2011.11.29
CNN Student News 받아적기 (11.29)  (0) 2011.11.29

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