CNN Student News: Daily Discussion


Q. How are Egypt's recent parliamentary elections different from its past elections?

Its past elections were rife with sham, ballot stuffing, and one party dominant. Many political organiztions were not allowed to stand for the eletions. Only governing party should be the winner according to a sinario.
That's why the turnout had been so low for the past years. Now, people feel they are the one who can change the country. Many parties with various backgrounds have come out to be chosen by voters.
A big difference from the past eletions is 'Voters who can change the country'

Q. Why do you think that some Egyptians who have never voted before are participating in this election?

After having seen the revolution that drove the former leader from the office, they seem to realize how they do for the country. The vote is one of many ways to go forward for Egypt.

Q. Why is an organization in Peru coating rocks in the mountains?

The mountain used to be covered with snow. As time goes by, the Andes region has become barren. This means no water, no food for the animals, no profits for the residents who live in the region. White mountains cannot abosorb heat from the sun more than black mountains. The organization tried to splash a mixture of water, sand, and lime in order to make more fluids on the mountains. 

Q. What service does Robin Lim's organization provide to pregnant women in Bali?

Robin Lim provides pregnant women with prenatal care, and childbirth service. She wants to reduce high motality rate. In Indonesia, a large number of pregnant women die as a complication after labor.

Q. What inspired Lim to start this organization?

She was crushed after her sister died of a childbirth complication. She realized how dangerous the childbirth is. She really wants to help those who need the care.


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CNN Student News: Daily Discussion  (0) 2011.11.30
CNN Student News 받아적기 (11.30)  (0) 2011.11.30
CNN Student News 받아적기 (11.29)  (0) 2011.11.29
CNN Student News: Daily Discussion  (0) 2011.11.28
Letter  (0) 2011.11.28

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