CNN Student News: Daily Discussion


Q. Why has the Arab League voted to impse economic santions on Syria?

Sriyan government has continued to crack down on protesters depite the Arab League's warning of the sanctions. The Arab League is trying to prevent more casualites from happening in the country.

Q. Why might the Arab League be concerned about other members of the International community getting involved in this situation?

The Arab countries do not want to have western miilitary presence. They still have some doubts that the western nations have tried to influence their values on the region, especially the christianity.

Q. Why are U.S. troops leaving Iraq? What kinds of reations might Iraq's citizens have to the U.S. troop withdrawal?

The U.S. has pledged to turn over its control of millitary to the Egyptian government. Iraq citizens might fear because the country has seen frequent accidents even in the capial. The number of the terror attacks has decreased over the years, still there have been many casualities.

Q. Why is the day after Thanksgiving called "Black Friday" in the United States?

When economy improves, we often say 'because the trade is in the black.' On the day after Thanksgiving, many stores offer big deals to customers and many people go shopping, buy great number of products on that day. That's when stores have a chance to get in the black.

Q. If you could intervie the last U.S. troops in Iraq, what questions would you ask, and why?

Do you think your troops really helped Iraq? Because I want to meet another American.


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