

Thesedays, the place for handwriting letter has become so small.
As people are able to get access to the internet more easily, they do not have to write letters. E-mail replaces the place for communicating between people who are far from each other. E-mail is also replaced by messangers like nate-on. We live in the world where we can connect our friends.
Now, post office is used as to send some packages like books, and other kinds of packages. Every Chuseak, which is Korea's biggest traditional holiday, post office's warehouses in Korea are crammed with boxes of traditional cookies or things like that. When you see mailman leave some thing in you post box, it could probably be some kind of bills like phone bill.
We can communicate immediately if we want to. We do not have to wait for the letters to arrive at our homes.
But I think the time to get the letters from my friend can be the chance to think of him or her. We do not get as many letters as old generations had recived from their friends. I miss the old days when I could feel my friend's mind from the handwriting. So, I try to have a chance once a year to write a letter. In that way, I want to express my thanks to my family and my friends.


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