CNN Student News 받아적기 (12.02)


First up, today, A cermony in Bagdhad honors American and Iraqi forces. It happened in a palace that once belonged to Sadam Hussein, Iraq's former dictatar who was forced out of power by the war that started in 2003.
The ceremony paid tribute to the sacrfices and the accomplishments that U.S and Iraqi troops have made during that war. U.S. vice presient was there. He said that troops from the two countries, quote, 'became partners and friends and now brothers in arms.'
The violence isn't over. On the same day as that ceremony, at least 20 were killed in attacks around the country. But America's role in Iraq is winding down. Our reporter looks at how that process works.

If the war in Iraq has a finish line, then camp Verginia is it. The last 6 weeks as many as 350 vehicles a day have been rolling into this remote base in the Kuwaiti desert, delivering soliders and equipment. Here, teams work day and night guiding cnvoys through a series of stopseach one like an assembly line in reverse taking off or as they say, downloading equipment accumulated over the years of war.

'What sort of stuff are they getting out at this particular point?'
'They are getting out POL, kind of oil, feul, batteries, anything that was not issued to them or that they bought, they downloading it here'

Everything is sorted and collected to be thrown out, recycled or put back in service. We brought you to this motor pool because really, it's one of the few places where you can go to get a sense of how much we are talking about, how many vehicles, how many trucks, how much stuff. And this is just a tip of an iceberg. 
Camp Virginia has the capacity to house close to 7,000 troops and more than 5,000 vehicles. And even though officials say they' re below those levels, they admit that it's been challenging keeping up with what's coming out of Iraq.

"It's very busy and I will say that we are making use of every available cot, we have all the space that we have, but it's going really well."

But there are signs of strain. The base has had to greatly increase housing and office space and the dining hall now remains open 24 hours a day just to keep everyone fed. The goal is to move the soliders from convoy to flight back to the U.S within 5 to 8 days. But officials admitt it can sometimes take longer. Yet, despite such problems, morale remains high because as every soldier who makes it here knows the next stop is home.

That part of the state is feeling the effects right now. The
way Santa Ana winds work is that they usually start inland, usually in a desert region. And then, they blow through mountain valleys on their way to southern california. So, the Santa Ana winds are hot and dry and in this case, incredibly strong. Experts said one gust that hit southern california yesterday was moving at 97 miles per hour. That's as strong as some hurricanes. These Santa Anas knocked down trees and knocked out power for thousands of people. Part of L.A's airport lost power, too. That caused some flight delays and forced other flights to land at other airports. The winds also knocked down power lines. In one spot, it started a grass fire that burned across 2 acres.

From winds in California to fog in Tennessee. Authorities say a heavy layer of fog on a state highway yesterday, was part of what caused a massive string of car accidents, and we mean that massive. 176 vehicles involved, one persone was killed, 16 others injured though none of those injuries was critical. It all started around 8 A.M yesterday. Officials say one car ran off the highway and that triggered a chain reaction of crashes. In addition to the fog, authorities say black ice might cause some of the accidents as well.

The high school in Florida, he cheereading squad was lookind to expand. 
That worked out well because some of the school's students wanted to join. Our reporter has this report on the results of the matchup.


It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon and it's time for cheerleading practiceBut here at the high school, the young ladies on this year's squad are trying something different.

"This is my first time because they built a special needs team and I'm on special needs teams" 

"Why do you like cheering? " "I like because it's fun"

It was kind of twofold. We wanted to grow the program and really make it as inclusive as possible, you know, get as many kids out as we could. Coaches say about 6 other special needs students expressed an interest enjoying the team.

"I love it. I am a ESE teacher. So it's a dream come true for me too'. I love to see them a part of everything."

"We alter things as we needed but for the most of part, I really kind of try to just let them go, treat them, you know, like everybody else."

And they said the veterans of the squad just love them.

"They are just so much fun, like they are always smiling and like everybody gives you a hug and stuff when they see you."

"Oh, I loved it. They are so much fun like they bring so much energy to us and they just brighten our day like, they catch on so fast like everything we do. It's just a blast to work with them"

Finally today, Working in a newsroom studio requires focus. You see people moving around behind me. Got to ignore that. There is a director and the produce talking to my ear, right now. You need to be queit. But I don't let any of that throw me off my game, There is one kind of distraction that can just be overwhelming, though.


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