Everyone seems to have their special things like a doll, a card, a book and so on. I personally have a special thing in my room. That is the radio that I got from one girl. I had been working as an intern in a small company. It was so great that I really wanted to work at the office. But My contract to work was due to be within 2 years. When I was about to leave the office on the last day of my ..
I do not like taking photos. I do not like "me" inside the photo because the photo of me always looks awkward. It reveals me so right. I don't want to be exposed to others of "me" whom I do not want to admit. In my high school photo album, I look so small and having low self consiousness. I crouched in a chair making very weird smile in the picture. Why did I wear so old fashioned glasses then? ..
I'm kind of a person who catches a cold very easily. I do wash my hands many times, though. I think my recipiratory system is weak especially in winter. It is important to get prepared for very cold weather. So I found out somes ways not to be sick. When you go back to sleep, you should put a wet towel on your bed. It could help your nose not to be dry. Dry room can cause some uneasiness on your..