I'm kind of a person who catches a cold very easily.
I do wash my hands many times, though. I think my recipiratory system is weak especially in winter. It is important to get prepared for very cold weather.
So I found out somes ways not to be sick. When you go back to sleep, you should put a wet towel on your bed. It could help your nose not to be dry. Dry room can cause some uneasiness on your nose that lead to your recipiratory problems. In army, night timer soliders used to water the ground of the barracks to prevent troops from getting cold.
And you have to be careful when you go out. It is not the time to be outside when you don't dry your body enough. You can easily get cold outside when you didn't dry enough of your body after taking a shower. Of couse, you have been heard washing your hands millions of times.
These kinds of recommendations would keep you from being sick in winter.
And one more important thing as well. You should put your hand on your mouth when you cough. It is the other way to get the others involved in getting sick.
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