오피스 시즌 9 - 피날레 대본 Part Ⅱ


Season 9 - Episode 25
Written by Greg Daniels 
Directed by Ken Kwapis 
Original Air Date: May 16, 2013 
Transcribed by Jason Cagle

Man 1: How did it feel to see your lives played out on tv? 
David Wallace: It’s like seeing a documentary about how your food is made. It’s kinda disgusting. You learn a lot, but I didn’t wanna know any of it. 
Dwight: With today’s modern surveillance technology we are in a constant state of being watched weather it’s our government or the government of other countries a.k.a. Google. You guys are being filmed way more than we ever were. 
Pete: Uh, no one recognizes me. But not all my friends call me Plop. So… thanks PBS.


Woman 1: Uh, Jim, that DVD in the last episode was so romantic. And, um, I think we’d all love to know, Pam, what romantic thing did you do to pay Jim back for leaving Athlead? 
Pam: Well, I mean, How do you pay back someone for something like that? But, uh, I don’t know. I’m working on something. 
Jim: She pays me back every day just by being my wife so that’s fine. 
All: Awww. 
Jim: O-Kay.


Woman 2: All I can say is, if I had Jim, he would have a free pass to do anything. I mean if I lucked into that… he could do anything. Anything. 
Pam: [pause] I’m sorry. Is there a question? 
Woman 2: Uh, no.


Man 2: Pam, what was in that teapot letter? 
Pam: Oh, um, well, you know, I… I just… I just think I would rather keep that private. You know, if you’d been filmed for nine years of your life, there’d be some things that you just wanna keep to yourself. 
Man 2: I hear ya. What did it say? 
Moderator: We’re gonna move on. Next question please.


Man 3: Do you find that your life feels pointless now that nobody’s actually filming you anymore? 
Toby: Yes.


Woman 3: I wanna know how everyone felt they were portrayed. Was it accurate? 
Meredith: I got a beef with that. Um, for the first seven years, I was getting my PhD in School Psychology and they didn’t show it. Yes, I was getting hammered but, hey, it was college.

Woman 4: I have a question for Jim and Pam. Everyone watching sees how much you love each other and how you’re soul mates. So, Pam, how could you doubt that when Jim moved to Philadelphia? 
Jim: Um, you know what, I actually didn’t handle that move, uh, very gracefully. From not communicating to being a little selfish. 
Pam: Listen, um… I was scared, you know? I loved what I had, and I didn’t want to risk it. And I think that maybe I did doubt him a little too. Which was wrong because he’s shown me time and again. But when the documentary started airing, people on the street told me that I had this fairy-tale romance. But there were a lot of times last year where it did not feel like a fairy tale. But then it got deeper, and it got stronger and now it’s better than a fairy tale. It’s like a long book that you never want to end. And you’re fine with that because you just never, ever wanna leave it. 
Woman 4: Like Harry Potter. 
Pam: Yeah, like Harry Potter.

Joan: I have a question for Erin. 
Erin: Really? 
Joan: Yes. Um, the thing I found most compelling about the documentary was your search for your birth mother. 
Erin: Thank you. 
Joan: So my question is, um, do… don’t you hate her? I mean, I would just imagine that you were so angry at her that you would hate her. 
Erin: Maybe sometimes. But not like “hate” hate. More just like, “Mom, I hate you!” And then she would say “go to your room, young lady.” And I’d stamp my foot and run upstairs and I have a room, which is really cool. And then we’d just have dinner together. But I don’t know. I’d have to meet her. Thanks. 
Joan: Erin… 
Erin: Yes? 
Joan: Um…Oh, Erin.. 
Erin: Yes? Is there a follow-up question? [realizes] Mom? [they hug] 
Ed: Erin… Same question but about your dad? [they hug] 
Moderator: Well, this feels like a good place to stop. Let’s thank all of our wonderful panelists for being here on this wonderful panel today. [audience claps] Next week at the Scranton Cultural Center don’t forget, Irish Step Dancing semifinals. Winning team to Mid-Atlantic. [applause and scattering cheers]


Kevin: Where’s the, uh, basket for gifts? 
Usher: Right there, sir. 
Kevin: Okay.


Dakota: Hi, I’m Dakota. 
Creed: Jeff Bomondo. I sell ceramic tile out of Newark. 
Dakota: Nice. 
Creed: My wife’s name is Kathryn. I can show you my social security card if it helps.


Kelly: Uck, Look at all this mud. Can you imagine if I had worn my Jimmy Choos? I just saved you 600 bucks mister. 
Ravi: Thanks for helping out, sweetie. 
Ryan: Kelly, you’re here. 
Kelly: Hey, Ryan! 
Ryan: Hey. 
Kelly: Whose baby is this? Oh, are, like, a nanny now? 
Ryan: No, this little guy is mine.


Ryan: So I was dating this girl, and one day, she went out to get a new charger for her e-cigarette. Never came back. Oldest story in the book. [baby squeals]


Ryan: Say “hi”, Drake. 

Kelly: Drake is your baby’s name? 
Ryan: Yeah. 
Kelly: That is an amazing name. I’m obsessed with Drake. His last album… it just touched me to pieces. 
Ryan: No Kelly, he’s no named after a hip-hop artist from 2011. It’s Drake, like a mix of Drew and Blake. 
Kelly: Cool. Well, he is so cute. Ravi, check out this cute baby. I’m obsessed with him. Ravi is a pediatrician and some of his patients are total uggos. 
Ravi: They’re called premature, sweetie. It’s good to see you again Ryan.


Phyllis: Let me help you us. 
Angela: Thanks. [knees buckle] Oh. Ouch. 
Pam: Oh, boy. Maybe your heels are too high. 
Angela: No, my heels aren't too high. It’s because I spent three hours in a car trunk. Thanks for not locking the door when I asked you to, Phyllis. [sighs] Sorry Phyllis. You didn’t know. As long as I can get to the altar. 
Phyllis: Oh, I’m gonna get you to that altar. You can take that to the bank.


Jim: You ready? 
Dwight: [chuckles] You kidding? I was born ready. [mimicking heavy metal guitars] 
Jim: Dwight, Dwight, Dwight. Um… I don’t know how to tell you this, but… we have a little bit of a problem. 
Dwight: Oh, no. What? 
Jim: The minister just told me that it’s tradition for the Bestish Mensch to be older than the groom. 
Dwight: Oh, come on. I’ve never heard of such a thing. 
Jim: I haven’t heard of it, obviously. But I’m out because I am significantly younger than you- 
Dwight: Not… significant is a big word… 
Jim: I think it’s definitely… Well, okay. Either way… 
Dwight: I think you’re only a teeny… 
Jim: Either way, Dwight… I can’t be there for you. I’m sorry. 
Dwight: Jim. 
Jim: I just…really wish there was something I could do. [looks off] 
Dwight: [turns around] [whispering] Michael. I can’t believe you came. 
Michael: That’s what she said.

Jim: Best prank ever.


Minister: As it is traditional to the Schrutes, the lovers are standing in their own graves as a reminder that this is the only escape from what they are about to do. 
Nellie: [to Joan] See, I get what they are trying to do, but why are the graves so shallow?


Kevin: [reading] “Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away. For lo, the winter is passed. The rain is over and gone. The time of singing has come and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. Let me see your face. Let me hear your voice for your voice is sweet and your face is comely. “


Minister: I now pronounce you man and wife. [everyone cheers] Release the doves! [doves do not move right away] 
Kelly: Oh. 
Kevin: That’s not… 
Dwight: Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you so much for coming. Now, please take your hay bales to the reception. They’ll be used for seating. Complimentary hay hooks are placed alone the aisles. Just stab ‘em on in there.

[After Dwight and Angela’s dance] 
Dwight: Everybody!


Jim: [dancing with Pam. They kiss] See, now you don’t owe me anything.


Ryan: Ravi? Ravi? Drake has a bit of a rash. And he’s hot. 
Ravi: Oh, no. 
Ryan: I was wondering could you maybe examine him for a second? 
Ravi: Oh, yeah, you’re not feeling well little guy? Okay, sure. Should we go inside? 
Ryan: Actually, could you go inside? I’m feeling a little dehydrated. I could really use a little break, have some water. 
Ravi: Are you sure you don’t wanna go in? 
Kelly: Ravi, just do it. That baby is burning up. Isn’t this, like what you live for? Just go. Go. 
Ryan: Thank you Ravi. Thank you so much. This is great for me and for Drake. Thank you.
Kelly: I don’t know, Ryan. Baby Drake didn’t look so good. 
Ryan: He’ll be fine. I let me suck on a strawberry. He’s allergic but he’ll get over it fast. I had to talk to you. 
Kelly: You gave your baby an allergic reaction just to talk to me? [they kiss]


Pam: Michael has so many pictures of his kids he had to get two phones with two numbers and he pays two bills. 
Pam: [with Michael] Oh, my gosh, it’s choreographed! 
Pam: He just so happy to have a family plan.


Ed: Where’d you learn to dance like that? 
Erin: I don’t know. I’ve just always been really good at dancing.


Toby: [dancing with Pam] [sobbing] 
Pam: Is it me? Is it Nellie? 
Toby: [sobbing] It’s everything.


Phyllis: [dancing with Stanley] I missed you. 
Stanley: I missed you too.


Phyllis: Lots of people think that Stanley Hudson’s a mean old grump. [laughs] But [crying] would a grump make this? It’s me. It’s me.


Ryan: I love you. 
Kelly: [laughing] I love you too. 
Ryan: We’re gonna be together forever. 
Kelly: We’re running off into the sunset. 
Ryan: I finally mastered commitment.


Kevin: [to Oscar] What was that stuff? 
Ravi: Hey, has anyone seen Ryan… or Kelly? 
Kevin: Ooh! Yes. Uh, They left together a little while ago. Kelly was hoping that you would keep the baby so they can start a new life together. 
Ravi: Oh, that’s it. Here. [hands Drake to Kevin] Call child services and report an abandoned baby. We’ll find a better parent than Ryan in no time. 
Kevin: Oh, I don’t know. 
Nellie: Um, Kevin? Oh, I can help you with that. Yeah. I mean, I can find someone who will… who will love that beautiful little boy the way he deserves. 
Kevin: Hey, this is better. [hands Drake to Nellie] 
Nellie: Yes. It is. Oh yes it is.


Nellie: If Ryan wants his baby back, please tell him where to fine me. We’ll be somewhere in Europe. [looking at Drake] Won’t we?


Michael: [crying] I feel like all my kids grew up and then they married each other. It’s every parent’s dream.


Darryl: Thank you go much. 
Dwight: Good night. 
Toby: Good luck. 
Val: Great. It was really fun. 
Dwight: Good evening. 
Val: The Doc crew’s throwing a big after party in the warehouse tonight. 
Darryl: Yeah, I heard. It sounds kinda lame. [to camera] No offense. You going, Toby? 
Toby: Oh, I don’t know. I might turn in early. 
Andy: It’s only 6:00. Come on, everybody’s going. 
Meredith: You have to go, Toby. 
Pete: Yeah, come on, Tobes. 
Val: Come on. 
Toby: Yeah. I’ll stop by. 
Pete: There he is!


Pam: I need to get out of this dress. 
Jim: I gotta get out of this dress. 
Carol Stills: Oh, I’m sorry Pam. 
Jim: What’s going on? 
Pam: [sighs] [whispering] Why are you still here? 
Carol: [whispering] I’m so sorry. They were an hour late. 
Jim: No, really, what’s going on? 
Pam: Okay, Okay. Um… so… this past year has been really great, and you’ve been great and I just… I know that you had to make this choice and you had to give something up for me. But I never want you to have to give up anything. I just thought if I could get us an offer then there wouldn’t be anything standing in our way and I could come to you with this big Jim gesture… and show you all at once just how much I love you and how much I really do believe in your future. 
Jim: Sorry, how long have you been showing the house? 
Pam: About 2 months 
Jim: That’s why it’s so clean. 
Pam: Yeah. 
Jim: I mean, you were gonna do this without me? 
Pam: Well, you… you bought the house without telling me, so I thought I could sell it without telling you. 
Jim: Oh… okay. Where would we go? 
Pam: Austin? Maybe. 
Jim: I promise you, you don’t have to do this for me. 
Pam: I’m doing it for us. 
Jim: The last… 
Buyer: Okay. We’ll take it. 
Jim: [to the buyer] Hold on a second. [to Pam] The last few months have meant the world to me and all I care about… 
Pam: Hold on a second. [turning] Wait, what did you just say? 
Buyer: We wanna buy your house. 
Jim: You wanna do this? 
Pam: I wanna do this. 
Jim: You really want to do this? 
Pam: I really want to do this! 
Jim: [hugging Pam] [laughing] Oh my God!


Jim: Hey, Darryl. [whispers in his ear] 
Darryl: What? All right! 
Pam: We’re so excited.


Phyllis: Cool. 
Woman: Oh, that’s for PBS executives only. 
Stanley: I had to pledge $50 to my local PBS station just to get this.


David Wallace: I think your ideas are fantastic, Oscar. I’d love to contribute to your campaign. 
Oscar: Thank you David.


Pam: Uh, could I please have your attention? So a year ago, I got my first art commission to paint a mural for Dunder Mifflin and I decided to paint the history of paper…,which was just some trees and stuff. And then someone spray painted a bunch of butts on it and I had to start from the beginning. But it all worked out for the best because I think that I’ve painted the perfect thing which is the history of us. All of us. And this is for you Jim. [applause] And go ahead! [drape drops and everyone cheers] 
Pam: Everyone, Let’s take our picture in front of the mural. Oh, um, I just…I kind of meant just everybody from the office.


Photographer: [taking pictures] Very nice. Just a couple dozen more. Smiles, everybody, smiles. All right, that’s great. I got enough. Thank you, everybody.


Jim: [whispering to Pam] Let’s go outside 
Pam: Okay.


Stanley: Okay, I need a drink. 
Kevin: Yeah, we all need a drink. [opening Meredith’s drawer] What the…there’s only dandelion tea and raisins in here. 
Meredith: Hey, bottom drawer. 
Kevin: Yes!


Pam: [answering the phone] Dunder Mifflin, This is Pam. Oh, I’m sorry. Jim Halpert doesn’t work here anymore.


Pam: I didn’t watch the whole documentary. After a few episodes, it was too painful. I kept wanting to scream at Pam. It took me so long to do so many important things. It’s just hard to accept that I spent so many years being less happy than I could have been. Jim was 5 feet from my desk and it took me four years to get to him. It’d be great if people saw this documentary and learned from my mistakes. Not that I’m a tragic person. I’m really happy now. But…it would just…just make my heart soar if someone out there saw this and she said to herself “be strong, trust yourself, love yourself. Conquer your fears. Just go after what you want and act fast, because life just isn’t that long.”


Kevin: If there is one thing that I have learned through this whole experience, it’s that if you film anybody long enough, they’re going to do something stupid. It’s only human natural.


Dwight: Hey guys. 
Angela: Hi. 
All: Hey! 
Pam: What about the honeymoon? 
Angela: Oh, the honeymoon can wait till tomorrow. We wanted to hang out with you guys. I mean, when are we all going to be here together again? 
Dwight: Aww, J, P and D. The Three Amigos. Ah, it warms my heart. Hey, what do you say, when I get back from out honeymoon, the three of us have a conference room meeting just for fun? [pause] What is that meaningful look? 
Jim: You know what? Maybe we should talk.


Darryl: Hey, come here. You guys need to see this. 
Kevin: What is it? 
Andy: [on the computer] You’re probably sitting there wondering what will be your mark. What will you be known for? It might surprise you to learn...


Pam: I finally feel ready. Athlead is growing… 
Jim: Athleap. 
Pam: And Jim can jump back in without skipping a beat. We’ll come back to visit. But I think it’s time for us to officially… 
Dwight: No, don’t say it. You’re fired! You’re both fired! 
Jim: Dwight, come on. Don’t end on a bad note. 
Dwight: Don’t be an idiot. It’s for the severance. The best I can do one month for every year you’ve been here. That’s the max. 
Pam: Thanks Dwight. 
Jim: Hey, and if you’re ever in Austin... 
Dwight: Woah. Right. For what, the art? The music? The incredible nightlife? No thank you. But if you’re ever in the area, you’ll always have a place to stay…in my barn. 
Jim: There it is.


Dwight: Do I get along with my co-workers? Well, first of all, I don’t have co-workers anymore, I have subordinates. So… have I gotten along with my subordinates? Let’s see. My supplier relations rep, Meredith Palmer, is the only person I know who knows how to properly head bang to Motorhead. Oscar Martinez, my accountant, is now godfather to my son. Angela Schrute, my former accountant is now my wife. My top salesman, Jim Halpert was best man at my wedding and office administrator Pamela Beesley Halpert is my best friend. So…yes. I’d say I have gotten along with my subordinates.


Andy: [on computer] You might feel sorry for me but I actually feel sorry for you. Because you’re about to leave Cornell. So say it with me: [all]: Oh, I can so just sit here and cry. 
Kevin: Oh, Yes! 
Darryl: You did good. Real good. 
Andy: Thanks Dad…Darryl.


Andy: I spent so much of my time here at Dunder Mifflin thinking about my old pals, my college a cappella group. The weird thing is now, I’m exactly where I wanna be. I got my dream job at Cornell and I’m still just thinking about my old pals. Only now they’re the ones I made here. I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them. [pause] Someone should write a song about that.


Oscar: You take something ordinary, like a piece of paper. It’s not much. But if you see it in the right way…And that’s what you did with this documentary. But seriously, you made a nine-year documentary and you couldn’t once show me doing my origami.


Creed: [walking out of the bathroom discovered by all] Uh..ohh!


Creed: [playing guitar and singing] I saw a friend today. It had been a while. And we forgot each others names. But it didn’t matter. ‘Cause deep inside the feeling still remained the same…


Jim: Imagine going back and watching a tape of your life. You could see yourself change and make mistakes…and grow up. You could watch yourself fall in love, watch yourself become a husband, become a father. You guys gave that to me. And that’s…an amazing gift.


Phyllis: Hey, Jim, remember flonkerton when you did Office Olympics? It was awesome. 
Jim: Thanks Phyl. 
Creed: I still have my medal from that. 
Angela: Do you even have a mattress? 
Creed: No, but I still have my medal from that.


Kevin: Oscar. Oscar. [crying] I think I’m gay. 
Oscar: Why do you say that? 
Kevin: [sniffles] It’s just that I’m so emotional. 
Oscar: Yeah, but you’re not gay. You’re not gay. 
Kevin: No, but maybe the reason… 
Oscar: You’re not gay.


Creed: [still playing and singing] And all the faces that I know have that same familiar glow. I think I must have known them somewhere once before.


Erin: How did you do it? How did you capture what it was really like? How we felt and how made each other laugh and how we got through the day? How did you do it? Also, how do cameras work?


Darryl: Everyday when I came into work, all I wanted to do was leave. So why in the world does it feel so hard to leave right now?


Creed: It all seems so very arbitrary. I applied for a job at this company because they were hiring. I took a desk at the back because it was empty. But…[chuckles] no matter how you get there or where you end up, human beings have this miraculous gift to make that place home. [standing with two cops] Let’s do this.


Meredith: I just feel lucky that I got a chance to share my crummy story with anyone out there who thinks they’re the only one to take a dump in a paper shredder. You’re not alone sister. Let’s get a beer sometime.


Phyllis: I’m happy that this was all filmed so I can remember everyone and what we did. I worked for a paper company all these years and I never wrote anything down.


Jim: I sold paper at this company for 12 years. My job was to speak to clients on the phone about quantities and types of copier paper. Even if I didn’t love every minute of it, everything I have, I owe to this job. This stupid…wonderful…boring…amazing job.


Pam: I thought it was weird when you picked us to make a documentary. But all in all…I think an ordinary paper company like Dunder Mifflin was a great subject for a documentary. There’s a lot of beauty in ordinary things. Isn’t that kind of the point?



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