

Due to easy access to the internet, we don't have to go to a library.
But I do enjoy reading books and studying in a library. I do not like reading e-books.
When I read some ariticles from the internet, I'm unable to read a lot of stuff.
From the paper book, I can feel more like reading something. That's why I also do not
carry around some net book in a class. More students use a net book to write something in a class.
I like the old way of reading books in a library. I like to go to libraries around the city.
Some libraries are so accomodating for the visitors that it makes me keep going, meanwhile
some libraries are very poor at facilitating. Each library has its own thing.

Library also provides various kinds of acitivities like a lecture, and a performance. There is also a place
for movie. Library has become another way of spending time. 


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