First up, today, we are looking at a combined effort to try to support the global economy. The federal reserve, the Fed, is the United State's central bank that means it's the country's main financial authority. It's responsible for printing up money and setting fianancial policies. Yesterday, the Fed annnounced a plan that involves five other central banks from around the world. They are teamin..
Q.What factors have created tension between Afghanistan, Pakistan and the United States? The three countries have been involved in getting rid of the terrorist groups in the region. But in recent months. There have been fightings between millitants and Afgan troops along Afgan-Pakistan borders. Afghanistan is accusing Pakistan of turning a blind eye to the terrorist groups inside the country. In..
Those are Afghanistan, pakistan and the United States. They're connected by the war on terror but that's also what's causing this tension between them. There have been accusations for months. Pakistan says Afghanisan is allowing millitant fighters to live there. Afghanistan says pakisan is supporting terrorists who launched attacks against Afghan forces. One official said the two countries could..