3.15 - Politics Transcript by Craig Best This is a Beta copy please contact me for any corrections or additions [Opening scene - Adam and Crosby walking down a busy sidewalk.] CROSBY: You know, I think you're underestimating how cool this new analog equipment is, we have to get it. ADAM: I'm sure it's very cool, but we can't afford it right now. You know, we haven't even paid off that renovation..
3.14 - It Is What It Is Transcript by Craig Best This is a Beta copy please contact me for any corrections or additions [Opening scene - Luncheonette, Crosby and Lily playing bluesy piano and cello music.] LILY: [Laughs and giggles as they play.] CROSBY: Whoo! LILY: Yes! CROSBY: Wow! LILY: Thank you. That was some hot blues. CROSBY: Yeah, you can play the hell out of that thing. LILY: Oh, well, ..
3.13 - Just Smile Transcript by Craig Best This is a Beta copy please contact me for any corrections or additions [Opening scene - Luncheonette. Adam is in the make up chair getting ready for the photo shoot for the magazine.] MAKEUP ARTIST: That little crease will not go away. ADAM: Okay, we about done? MAKEUP ARTIST: No, no, you have a very shiny "T" zone. I'm just getting started, really. It'..