2.04 - Date Night Transcript by Craig Best This is a Beta copy please contact me for any corrections or additions [Opening scene - Adam enters his kitchen carrying an open box. Kristina is working on the fridge calendar.] ADAM: Okay, honey, why do we wind up with so much crap? It's endless. KRISTINA: That's not crap. ADAM: We just have to start throwing more stuff out. KRISTINA: My candy cane. [..
2.03 - I'm Cooler Than You Think Transcript by Craig Best This is a Beta copy please contact me for any corrections or additions [Opening scene - Joel is backing Sydney's lunch for school.] JOEL: Sydney, finish brushing your teeth, we gotta go! SYDNEY: I'm trying to find my baby boo-boo. JOEL: It's under the purse box. [To Julia.] Why do I know that? JULIA: Because you are the greatest. JOEL: Ye..
2.02 - No Good Deed Transcript by Craig Best This is a Beta copy please contact me for any corrections or additions Parenthood 2.02 - No Good Deed Transcript by Craig Best [Opening scene - Morning, Adam and Kristina getting ready for the day in their bedroom.] ADAM: This is gonna be fine, right? KRISTINA: Yep. ADAM: What, you don't think? You don't think it's gonna be fine? KRISTINA: Honey, I ju..