Money is not important when finding part time jobs.



I do several part time jobs during the semesters. It's a little bit easier to get a part time job than the full time job. I can get calls from the work as soon as I apply for.

But the problem rise as I become the member of the work place. The worst place that I ever worked for was a private institution set up for the elderly. I was always annoyed by the workers around.

They didn't treat me well and even teased me when I made some mistakes. And they were terrible at ordering their employees. When I could not sense their words, they just blamed on me for the trobles. I thought this could be overcome but as time passed on, I could not bear it anymoreI heard that the other part timers were also furious about the worker's actions. I realized that it is very hard to find a part time job with good co-workers around. 


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